Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bull Trip

According to TrueHoop affiliate bullsbythehorns.com, the Chicago Bulls recently began their annual "Circus Road Trip".  Every year around this time, the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailly circus takes over the United Center in Chicago for a few weeks.  So the Bulls hit the road and this has not been good news for them.  Going into this season, the Bulls have been 9-56 since 1999 which included an 0-32 streak from 99-03.

This year was more of the same for a Bulls team that actually started out this year in good shape at 5-4 through some injuries and a pretty tough early schedule.  Then the circus happened.

Here is how the Circus Road Trip went down:

Win at Sacramento-  Good start.  10-56.... 6-4 things are looking up
Loss at LA Lakers by 15- Ok, everyone saw that one coming.  Still over .500
Loss at Denver by 19- Tough break.  Stay positive. Still. 500
Loss at Utah by 19.  Ew.  What on Earth?  Ok, can still finish the road trip at .500 for the year.
Loss at Milwaukee by 2.

If you had never heard about the Circus Road Trip before, don't feel bad. Apparently Chicago Bull, Joakim Noah had not either...
Joakim Noah, currently the league’s leading rebounder by the way (12.2 RPG), until recently had no idea what the circus trip was all about. Said Noah: “Why do they always call it the circus trip? What’s so circus about it anyway?”
That’s okay, Jo. You just keep concentrating on crashing the boards.

Do you think they just sit him on the team bus, give him an ice cream cone and say "Sit still until the big bus stops and then you can play allll the basketball you want!"

I love this game.

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